

Church Notices  

St Michael & All Angels Beetham is open for public worship each Sunday for the Morning Eucharist at 11am and Evensong at 6pm.  Our church is open daily from 9.30am to 5pm

  The church continues to cost over £1,000 per week to keep open and we would be grateful if you would take the time to look at the details of our Generosity Week below

* Our Parish Eucharist is held in church each Sunday at 11am.  Covid precautions remain in place - please sanitise your hands and help to prevent the spread of the virus

Please join us for our Patronal Eucharist at 11am on Sunday 29th September and for our Harvest Festival Eucharist on Sunday 6th October

* Our traditional Book of Common Prayer Evensong service is held each Sunday at 6pm, with full Choral Evensong services on special occasions.  

* The next Choral Evensong will be at 6pm on Sunday 29th September celebrating Michaelmas, our Patronal Festival, and the Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, The Bishop of Penrith, will give a Thanksgiving for our church reordering.  Afternoon tea will be served from 4pm prior to the Evensong

There will be a special Harvest Songs and Praise service at 6pm on Sunday 6th October

There will be said services of BCP Holy Communion at 10.30am on the first Wednesdays of the month 2nd October, 6th November, and 4th December

* Our Annual Church Meetings were held on Sunday 14th April.  The Annual Report & Accounts can be downloaded by clicking here, or via the About us/Annual Reports page where past Reports are also available

* The October Gateway is now available online.  Items for the November edition should be sent to the editor at jenny.marks@btinternet.com by Monday 28th October

 * Thank you to all who responded to our church 'Generosity Week' appeal.  For more information on what happened during Generosity Week please click here

* For links to our church YouTube recordings please visit our Church Videos page by clicking here

*  Thank you to all who have asked about donations and regular giving to Beetham Church.  To make an online donation or set up a regular payment please go to our Giving page by clicking here





Beetham Church Safeguarding Policy

The Parochial Church Council of The Parish Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, Beetham have adopted unanimously 'Promoting a Safer Church' (The Church of England's House of Bishop's Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults) to ensure the care and protection of children, young people and adults

Safeguarding is a high priority at St Michael & All Angels, and further details of our Safeguarding Policy and contacts can be found by clicking here